PostgreSQL – row_to_json Function

The row_to_json function in PostgreSQL is used to convert a row of a table or a composite type (user-defined type) into its corresponding JSON representation. This function is particularly useful when you want to retrieve data from a table and represent it in JSON format.

The basic syntax of the row_to_json function is as follows:


where row_expression is the expression representing the row or composite type you want to convert to JSON.

Here are some examples to illustrate how to use the row_to_json function:

Converting a Table Row to JSON:

Let’s say you have a table named users, and you want to convert a row from this table to JSON.

SELECT row_to_json(users) AS json_data FROM users WHERE id = 1; 

In this example, the row_to_json function converts the row corresponding to the user with id 1 into a JSON object. The result will have a single column named json_data containing the JSON representation of the row.

Converting Composite Type to JSON:

If you have a composite type defined in your database, you can use row_to_json to convert instances of that type to JSON.

SELECT row_to_json((1, 'John Doe')) AS json_person; 

Here, assuming there’s a composite type named person_type with attributes id and name, the function converts the composite type instance (1, 'John Doe') into a JSON object.

While row_to_json is a powerful function for converting rows to JSON, be mindful of performance implications, especially when dealing with large datasets. For more advanced JSON manipulation or handling nested structures, consider exploring other JSON functions and operators provided by PostgreSQL.

The row_to_json function in PostgreSQL provides an efficient way to convert rows of tables or composite types into their JSON representation. It’s a valuable tool for generating JSON data for use in web applications, APIs, data exports, and more.

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