PostgreSQL – GREATEST Function

In PostgreSQL, the GREATEST function is used to find the greatest (largest) value among a list of expressions. It takes multiple arguments and returns the maximum value from those arguments.

The syntax of the GREATEST function is as follows:

GREATEST(expression1, expression2, ..., expressionN)

Here’s an example of how the GREATEST function can be used:

SELECT GREATEST(column1, column2, column3) AS max_value FROM table_name;

Suppose you have a table called scores with columns math_score, science_score, and english_score. You want to find the highest score among the three subjects:

SELECT GREATEST(math_score, science_score, english_score) AS highest_score FROM scores;

The GREATEST function is particularly useful when you want to find the maximum value among multiple values or columns. It’s often used in scenarios where you need to make comparisons and identify the largest value among a set of values.

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