PostgreSQL – BIGINT Data Type

The bigint data type is used to store large whole numbers (integers) within a much larger range than the regular integer data type. It’s a 64-bit signed integer type, which means it can represent much larger and smaller values compared to the integer type. Here are some key points about the bigint data type in PostgreSQL:

  1. Size and Range: A bigint takes up 8 bytes of storage and can represent values from approximately -9.2 quintillion (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 9.2 quintillion (9,223,372,036,854,775,807).
  2. Alias: The bigint type doesn’t have a short alias like the integer type. You must use bigint when defining columns of this type.
  3. Arithmetic Operations: You can perform arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.) on bigint values just like any other numeric type.
  4. Numeric Functions: Similar to the integer data type, you can use various mathematical functions and operators with bigint values.
  5. Overflow Behavior: If an arithmetic operation results in a value outside the range of the bigint data type, an overflow occurs. PostgreSQL will wrap around the values according to their representation as signed integers.

Here’s an example of using the bigint data type:

CREATE TABLE account_balances ( account_id serial PRIMARY KEY, account_name varchar(100), balance bigint ); 
INSERT INTO account_balances (account_name, balance) VALUES ('Savings', 1000000000000), ('Investment', 5000000000000);
SELECT * FROM account_balances WHERE balance > 2000000000000;

Here, balance column is of type bigint. It is used to store account balances. The bigint data type allows you to work with very large numerical values, making it suitable for applications that deal with significant quantities or financial data.

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