PostgreSQL – How to Revoke Superuser Privileges

To revoke superuser privileges from a user in PostgreSQL, you’ll need to connect to the PostgreSQL database server as a superuser, typically the “postgres” user. Here are the steps to revoke superuser privileges:

Log in as the PostgreSQL superuser:

Open a terminal and log in as the PostgreSQL superuser, usually named “postgres.” You can do this with the following command:

sudo -i -u postgres

Revoke superuser privileges from the user:

Use the ALTER USER command to revoke superuser privileges from the desired user. Replace desired_user with the username from which you want to remove superuser privileges:


This command will remove the superuser status from the specified user.

Be cautious when revoking superuser privileges, as it will restrict the user’s ability to perform certain administrative tasks. Make sure the user still has the necessary permissions to perform their intended tasks after revoking superuser status.

Always follow best practices for managing user privileges and ensure that your PostgreSQL database remains secure and properly configured.

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