PostgreSQL – How to Rename a Schema

You can rename a schema in PostgreSQL using the ALTER SCHEMA statement. Below is the syntax for renaming a schema:

ALTER SCHEMA old_schema_name RENAME TO new_schema_name;

where old_schema_name is the name of the schema you want to rename and new_schema_name is the new name you want to assign to the schema. Ensure you have the necessary privileges to rename schemas. You typically need to be a superuser or have the CREATE privilege on the schema you want to rename.

ALTER SCHEMA old_schema RENAME TO new_schema;

Please note the following considerations when renaming a schema:

  • You must have appropriate permissions to execute the ALTER SCHEMA statement.
  • Renaming a schema does not automatically update references to the schema in database objects (e.g., tables, views, functions) owned by the schema. You may need to update the references manually if necessary.
  • Be cautious when renaming schemas in a production database, as it can potentially impact applications that rely on the schema’s structure. It’s a good practice to thoroughly test such changes in a development or staging environment first.
  • Make sure to update any application configurations or scripts that reference the old schema name after renaming it.

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