PostgreSQL – How to List All Materialized Views

To list the materialized views in a PostgreSQL database, you can query the system catalog tables. Materialized views are stored as objects in the database, and you can query the catalog to retrieve information about them. Here’s a query to list all materialized views in a PostgreSQL database:

SELECT schemaname, matviewname FROM pg_matviews;

Above query selects the schema name and materialized view name from the pg_matviews catalog table, which contains information about all the materialized views in the current database.

If you want to see more details about the materialized views, you can use the following query to retrieve additional information:

SELECT schemaname, matviewname, matviewowner, ispopulated, definition FROM pg_matviews;

This query includes the owner of each materialized view, whether the materialized view is populated (i.e., whether it contains data), and the SQL definition of the materialized view.

You can execute these queries using a PostgreSQL client like psql or any other tool that can connect to your PostgreSQL database.

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