PostgreSQL – How to Grant Superuser Privileges

Superusers have full control over the database server and can perform any administrative task. Granting superuser privileges to a user should be done carefully, as it comes with significant power and responsibility.

To grant superuser privileges to a user in PostgreSQL, follow these steps:

Option 1: During PostgreSQL Installation

  1. During the installation process, PostgreSQL will ask you to create a superuser. You can specify the username and password for the superuser at that time. This superuser will have all the necessary privileges.

Option 2: Using an Existing Superuser

If you already have an existing superuser (usually the PostgreSQL “postgres” user created during installation), you can grant superuser privileges to another user. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in as the PostgreSQL superuser. You can do this by opening a terminal and running:
sudo -i -u postgres 

This command switches to the PostgreSQL superuser account.

2. Grant superuser privileges to the desired user. Replace desired_user with the username to which you want to grant superuser privileges:


This command will grant superuser privileges to the specified user.

Remember to be cautious when granting superuser privileges, as it grants full control over the database server, including the ability to delete or modify data, users, and configurations. Only grant superuser privileges to trusted users who require them for specific administrative tasks.

Always ensure that your PostgreSQL database is adequately secured, and consider using role-based access control and least privilege principles to limit access to sensitive operations.

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