PostgreSQL – How to Find the Owner of a Table

To find the owner of a table in PostgreSQL, you can use the following SQL query: SELECT tablename, tableowner FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = ‘my_schema’ AND tablename = ‘your_table_name’; where ‘my_schema’ is the name of the schema where your table resides, and ‘your_table_name’ is the name of the table you want to find the owner…

PostgreSQL – How to Escape an apostrophe(single quote) within a String

You can escape a single quote (also known as an apostrophe) within a string by using another single quote. This is a common practice in SQL to handle single quotes within string literals. Here’s how you can do it: To represent a single quote within a string, you can double the single quote character (”)….

PostgreSQL – How to Alter Default Privileges of A Schema

You can use the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement in PostgreSQL database to set default privileges that will be applied to newly created objects in a schema. This is a powerful way to control access and permissions for objects created by a specific user or role in a particular schema. Here’s the basic syntax for using…