The json_build_object function is used to create a JSON object from key-value pairs. It allows you to construct a JSON object by specifying keys and their corresponding values. Each key-value pair you provide becomes a property in the resulting JSON object. Below is the basic syntax of using the json_build_object function: json_build_object(key1, value1, key2, value2,…

PostgreSQL – JSON_BUILD_ARRAY Function

The json_build_array function in PostgreSQL is used to create a JSON array from a list of values. It takes any number of arguments and returns a JSON array containing those values. Each argument will be treated as an element of the resulting JSON array. Below is the basic syntax of using the json_build_array function: json_build_array(value1,…

PostgreSQL – Subquery

A subquery (also known as a nested query or inner query) is a query that is embedded within another query. Subqueries are used to retrieve data that will be used in the main query’s conditions, expressions, or selection criteria. They are a powerful tool for combining multiple queries and performing more complex operations in a…


The EXCEPT keyword is used in a query to retrieve distinct rows from the result of the first query that are not present in the result of the second query. In other words, it returns the set difference between the results of two queries. The basic syntax of the EXCEPT operator is as follows: SELECT…