PostgreSQL – How to Concatenate Strings

You can concatenate strings using the || operator or the CONCAT() function in PostgreSQL database. Here are examples of both methods: Using the || Operator: The || operator is used to concatenate two or more strings together. SELECT ‘Hello ‘ || ‘World’; You can also concatenate columns from a table: SELECT first_name || ‘ ‘…

PostgreSQL – How to Change a User’s Password

To change a user’s password in PostgreSQL, you can use the ALTER USER statement. Here’s how you can change a user’s password: Connect to PostgreSQL: You need to connect to your PostgreSQL server using a user account with superuser or administrative privileges, as only superusers can change the passwords of other users. Change the Password:To…

PostgreSQL – How to Create a Schema

A schema is a way to organize database objects, such as tables, views, functions, and more, into separate namespaces within a PostgreSQL database. Schemas help you group related objects together and avoid naming conflicts. Here’s how you can create a schema in PostgreSQL: CREATE SCHEMA schema_name; Replace schema_name with the name you want to give…

PostgreSQL – How to Get the DDL of a View

To retrieve the Data Definition Language (DDL) script for a specific view in PostgreSQL, you can use the pg_get_viewdef function. This function allows you to obtain the SQL statement that defines the view. Here’s how you can use it: SELECT pg_get_viewdef(‘view_name’, true); Replace ‘view_name’ with the name of the view for which you want to…

PostgreSQL – How to List All Views

To list views in a PostgreSQL database, you can use SQL queries to query the system catalog tables. Specifically, you can query the pg_views catalog table to retrieve information about the views in the database. Here’s how you can do it: SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = ‘public’; where This query will return a…

PostgreSQL – How to Update Multiple Columns

To update multiple columns in a PostgreSQL table, you can use the UPDATE statement. Below is the basic syntax for updating multiple columns: UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, … WHERE condition; where Here’s an example of how to update multiple columns in a PostgreSQL table: Suppose you have a table named…