The json_populate_recordset function is used to populate a set of composite records from an array of JSON objects. This is useful when you have an array of JSON objects, and each object corresponds to a record in a composite type. Below is the basic syntax of the json_populate_recordset function: json_populate_recordset(base_type anyelement, from_json_array json) -> SETOF…


The json_extract_path_text function is used to extract a specific value from a JSON object or array by specifying a path to the desired element. This function returns the value as text. The basic syntax of the json_extract_path_text function is as shown below: json_extract_path_text(json_object_or_array, path_element1, path_element2, …, path_elementN) Here’s an example of using the json_extract_path_text function:…


The json_array_length function is used to determine the number of elements in a JSON array. It’s particularly useful when you’re working with JSON data and need to find out how many items are present in an array within a JSON document. The syntax for using the json_array_length function is as follows: json_array_length(json_array) Here’s an example…


The json_build_object function is used to create a JSON object from key-value pairs. It allows you to construct a JSON object by specifying keys and their corresponding values. Each key-value pair you provide becomes a property in the resulting JSON object. Below is the basic syntax of using the json_build_object function: json_build_object(key1, value1, key2, value2,…

PostgreSQL – JSON_BUILD_ARRAY Function

The json_build_array function in PostgreSQL is used to create a JSON array from a list of values. It takes any number of arguments and returns a JSON array containing those values. Each argument will be treated as an element of the resulting JSON array. Below is the basic syntax of using the json_build_array function: json_build_array(value1,…