PostgreSQL – USERS

Database Users are accounts that can be used to log into the database system and perform various actions, such as querying the database, creating tables, and executing administrative tasks. PostgreSQL supports both regular users and superusers (also known as administrators). Creating a User: To create a user, you can use the CREATE USER command: CREATE…


An “upsert” operation refers to the ability to update an existing row if it exists, or insert a new row if it doesn’t exist, based on a specified condition. The upsert operation is also known as “merge” or “insert on conflict update.” INSERT INTO target_table (column1, column2, …) VALUES (value1, value2, …) ON CONFLICT (unique_constraint_columns)…


The json_array_length function is used to determine the number of elements in a JSON array. It’s particularly useful when you’re working with JSON data and need to find out how many items are present in an array within a JSON document. The syntax for using the json_array_length function is as follows: json_array_length(json_array) Here’s an example…