PostgreSQL – How to Get Month Name From a Date

To get the month name from a date in PostgreSQL, you can use the TO_CHAR function with the appropriate format pattern. Here’s an example:

SELECT TO_CHAR(your_date_column, 'Month') AS month_name FROM your_table;

Replace your_date_column with the name of your date column and your_table with the name of your table.

In this query, TO_CHAR is used to format the date as the full month name (‘Month’ format). It will return the name of the month for each date in the specified column.

For example, if you have a table called orders with a date column named order_date, you can retrieve the month name for each order date like this:

SELECT TO_CHAR(transaction_date, 'Month') AS month_name FROM sales;

This will give you a result set with the month name for each order date in the orders table.

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