PostgreSQL – How to Change a User’s Password

To change a user’s password in PostgreSQL, you can use the ALTER USER statement. Here’s how you can change a user’s password:

Connect to PostgreSQL: You need to connect to your PostgreSQL server using a user account with superuser or administrative privileges, as only superusers can change the passwords of other users.

Change the Password:To change the password for an existing user, use the following SQL command:

ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'new_password'; 


  • username: is the name of the user whose password you want to change.

  • new_password: is the new password you want to set for the user.

For example, if you want to change the password for a user named “myuser” to “newpassword,” you would execute:

ALTER USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword'; 

Note: Make sure to enclose the new password in single quotes (‘ ‘) as shown in the example.

Reload Configuration (if necessary): In some cases, you may need to reload the PostgreSQL configuration to apply the password change immediately. You can do this by running the following command:

SELECT pg_reload_conf(); 

However, in most cases, the password change should take effect without needing to reload the configuration.

That’s it! You have successfully changed the password for a PostgreSQL user. Remember to keep the new password secure and follow best practices for password management to maintain the security of your database.

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