PostgreSQL – ARRAY_TO_STRING Function

The array_to_string function is used to convert an array of elements into a single string in PostgreSQL database by concatenating the elements together with a specified delimiter.

Here is the syntax for the array_to_string function:

array_to_string(array_expression, delimiter)

where array_expression is the array that you want to convert into a string.

and delimiter is the delimiter that you want to use to separate the elements in the resulting string. It can be a string literal or an expression that results in a string.

Here’s an example of using the array_to_string function:

Consider an array of names:

SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY['John', 'Doe', 'Alice'], ' ')

The result of this query would be a single string where the elements of the array are concatenated with the space delimiter:

"John Doe Alice"

You can use any delimiter you want. For example:

SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY[1, 2, 3], ',')

The result of this query would be:


You can use the array_to_string function in various ways to manipulate and format arrays as strings in your PostgreSQL queries.

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