PostgreSQL – How to List all Tables

To list all the tables in a PostgreSQL database, you can query the information_schema database which contains metadata about all the tables and other objects in the database.

Below is the SQL query you can use to show all the tables:

SELECT table_name 
FROM information_schema.tables 
WHERE table_schema = 'public';

This query will retrieve the names of all tables in the ‘public’ schema. If your tables are located in a different schema, you can replace 'public' with the appropriate schema name.

You can also use the pg_tables system catalog table to list all tables in the current database.

Here’s an example query to use the pg_tables catalog:

SELECT tablename 
FROM pg_tables 
WHERE schemaname = 'public';

This query retrieves the names of all tables in the ‘public’ schema. You can replace 'public' with the appropriate schema name if your tables are located in a different schema.

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